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Fight club (14+)

Fight Club is a 1999 American film directed by David Fincher and starring Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, and Helena Bonham Carter.

(first minute)

in the opening scene the camera starts blurry and then focuses and we see the unnamed narrator, played by Edward Norton, with a gun in his mouth. the lighting is very dim and has a greenish/ bluey tone to it and we can see he is drenched in sweat. the camera is in an extreme close up shot, which helps create a sense of unease as we hear the narrators voice play over the diegetic sound of dripping pipes and clicks of the gun in the background. the fact we can not fully see the person who is holding the gun and that its an over the shoulder shot creates a sense of mystery, and uncertainty. the gun man then walks past him and the camera moves slightly, using a pan shot, and he walks into the distance, making the unnamed narrator the centre focus of the shot on the left hand side of the screen as the backgrounds out of focus. he then turns his head backwards, looking towards the gunman, who is now standing in front of a big glass window, looking out onto the city at night. we hear sirens and the creak of his chair and this use of diegetic sound creates a uncomfortable feeling. the camera then drops, as it has fallen out of the building and onto the streets below, and continues on down into a basement, where we can still hear the sirens from up on the streets. it pans around the white van, and zooms in through a gun shot in windscreen, taking us to the back of the van. it uses an extreme zoom out, which we ca hear as well, along with the beeping of machinery.

then it jumps back to the narator and gun man. the shot then changes so we see the gunmans mid torso and hips and grab his gun. the camera then changes and we can see the whole room the narrator is being held hostage. it is a large empty room, with glass walls so it looks asif we are in a skyscraper building of sorts.

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