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HYFTF editing

Updated: Nov 2, 2022

First, when I started editing, my group uploaded the footage onto a mac computer in the media classroom and tagged all of the videos (red for footage we won't use and green for stuff to use). However, when it came to editing by ourselves, I had some of my own issues. First one was that I couldn’t find the area of the media SharePoint it was added to, meaning I couldn’t access the footage. I had to start working on miss li Sue’s account, but I was still unable to find stuff under my name. eventually the issues managed to be fixed, and I could get to editing.

I decided to make majority of my scenes black and white, and mute them, I felt as if it gave an interesting feel to the film, almost an old film. I experimented with multiple filters till I got the effect that I wanted, and I realised I wasn’t a big fan of the coloured filters for this project personally.

When it came to music, we were told we could choose our own music from YouTube and miss would convert it into a file we could use. However, I realised the software had lots of already good ample music sound for the background, and I was really fortunate that the one I liked matched up perfectly with some of the shots in my film.

However, to make the stuff match up I put some black screens in to break up the film and show a change. I also liked the effect it had with the black and white video footage, and it added to the old film effect.

When we shot the scenes in the dark room, I thought it would be nice to keep then as red, because it contrasted to the rest of the film and helped it stand out, however I did put a filter over it, and manipulate the colours a bit to make the red deeper and more vibrant.

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