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My favourite film of all time is...

Updated: Sep 15, 2022

My favourite film of all time is "500 days of summer" directed by Mark Webb from a screenplay written by Scott Neustadter and Michael H. Weber.

After being dumped by the girl he believes to be his soulmate, Summer Finn played by Zooey Deschanel (who is one of my all time favourite actresses because the characters she plays and their representation reflects my own personal aesthetic, i.e. she has a fringe), hopeless romantic Tom Hansen, played by Joseph Gordon - Levitt, reflects on their relationship to try and figure out where things went wrong and how he can win her back. The film plays summer as the stereotypical "manic pixie dream girl" showing

how she "isn't like other girls" because she likes the same music and things that Tom likes. It is your classic anti-romance film, where the characters don't end up together at the end of the film.

What I like about this film is how they use lighting to symbolise toms memories of his relationship with summer. In the first half of the film he still sees their relationship through a warm light, however in the other half, when he realises the relationship was not as he remembered, it shows their flashback memory scenes in a cool-tone lighting instead.

Another thing I liked about the film was how it was not in chronological order and each scene is presented by which day of summer it was.

However, my favourite part of the film is the soundtrack, as it uses and references many songs by my favourite artists such as the Smiths, the Pixies and Joy Division, meaning I listen to the soundtrack often hand have multiple Spotify playlists, named after and referencing the film.

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